☰ Form 6 Personalised Learning Projects – WWII

Form 6 Personalised Learning Projects – WWII

Posted on: June 5th 2015 | Category:

I was honoured to attend Mr Ashton and Form 6’s World War II presentations on the afternoon of Thursday, 21st of May. It was also great to see so many parents in the audience, supporting the group.

History at Norfolk House School reaches its peak in Form 6, requiring pupils to build upon their previously learnt skills and understanding throughout the school and apply them to considerably more mature topics such as the World Wars.

And the pupils from Form 6 really rose to the challenge. Under consideration were a wide range of WWII topics – including Hitler, Stalin, Pearl Harbor, wartime communications, The Battle of Britain, ‘wartime heroes,’ and many more – and the pupils presented their independent research, speaking in front of a large audience, using innovative Draw My Life iPAd App, Prezi presentations, PowerPoint, and a variety of embedded videos.

I was particularly impressed with the use of data, primary and secondary sources of evidence, historical dates and chronological understanding, and the open historical questions that the pupils had sought to answer. Their independent research, and creative ways in presenting it, was a joy to watch!

Huge congratulations to Mr Ashton and his class for such an impressive afternoon. Pupils leave our school with strong historical knowledge and, more importantly, the skills required to scrutinise history in the future. Lead by Mr Ashton in Form 6, the bravery and confidence of the pupils to speak in public – and their hard work in researching and preparing their presentations – is far more than I could have done at their age! I hope their love of history will continue in the future, informing them about the world around them and how we have arrived at the present day. Perhaps we might have the next Leopold von Ranke or Voltaire in the class!

Mr Smith - Head of History


Tilika'a Presentation

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