☰ ISA Under 7's Football Tournament

ISA Under 7's Football Tournament

Posted on: March 23rd 2017 | Category:

On Thursday 16th March 2017, the Form 2 football team attended an ISA football tournament at Powerleague. 16 teams attended from school's from around London and the children played 4 games against 4 other schools.

The children played with heart and passion during the whole tournament. They consistently praised and supported one another, showing resilience and ambition throughout each 10-minute game. If they weren't on the pitch, they were cheering from the sidelines.

After each game, they had a debrief with Mr Smith and as a team set targets for the following games, showing maturity beyond their years.

Although they didn't win the event it didn't dampen their spirits. Well done to the Form 2 Football Team.

By Mrs Charman

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