☰ Ms Burke’s Blog: The Start of a new Term

Ms Burke’s Blog: The Start of a new Term

Posted on: September 16th 2016 | Category: Nursery

The beginning of term has arrived!  We were delighted to open our doors last week to our returning students as well as our many new friends.  The start of a new school year brings with it a range of emotions, and this year has been no different.  Many children have arrived with mountains of energy, focus and excitement for the year ahead while some have arrived feeling a bit timid and nervous about what to expect.  There have been some tears and worries.  From our parents too.  Will my child settle?  Will they make friends?  Will they eat?  Will they learn?  I am here to reassure you all that during these early years of your child’s education, this range of emotions and these questions are normal; expected even.  And also to reassure you that yes, your child will settle, make friends and eat.  And they will learn.    

We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead with Mr. Jowett as our new Head Teacher.  He has some wonderful ideas about initiatives that he is interested in moving forward with.  I hope that many of you will attend one of the sessions we are running next week at Norfolk House where will will outline our 3 Year School Development Plan to hear more about some of the plans we have in store.  I look forward to working with you all and seeing your lovely, eager children each morning.  Let’s make this a great year!  

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