☰ Read about Eleanor in Form 5’s Outside Interests and Achievements

Read about Eleanor in Form 5’s Outside Interests and Achievements

Posted on: February 13th 2015 | Category:

Stagecoach Theatre Arts School

Every Saturday between 10am and 1pm I attend Stagecoach in Highgate where I work on my acting, singing and dancing skills. We do an hour in each subject and I’m in the Stage 2 class with a dozen or so other boys and girls my age. There are separate teachers for each of the three sessions which is a good job because we’re all tired by the end of our three hours!

My favourite session is drama because the teacher is really nice and she explains things clearly and gives us good advice. We mainly improvise short sketches and we are given constructive comments to help improve our acting. I also really enjoy the singing lesson and to start every week we always do warm ups, like tongue twisters. We sing all together and work on our harmonies and sometimes people are given solo lines. The songs we work on are usually modern pop songs like ‘Blank Space’ by Taylor Swift. To be honest I’m a bit less keen on the dancing but after the stretching we practise our routine that we’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks. Recently, I’ve danced to an Olly Murs song with a group of the other children. 

I would recommend that other children come to the sessions because it’s a fun thing to do on a Saturday morning. I have made some new friends thanks to the classes and since I joined a couple of months ago my skills have really improved.

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