☰ Subjects


The curriculum followed at Norfolk House covers National Curriculum subjects and more. Subjects covered between Reception and Form 6 (some in specific year groups) are:

The curriculum is suitably broad and balanced for both boys and girls.

Learning and Development:

Our most recent school inspection report said “Pupils’ achievements are excellent, fulfilling the school’s aim to enable them to reach their academic potential and to feel valued, fulfilled, confident and emotionally secure.”

The report went on to say “The vast majority of pupils move on to their first choice senior school, often achieving entry to highly selective day schools in London.” Over the past fouryears a significant number of our pupils have gained scholarships.

Our approach is to ensure learning is fun and enjoyable. We want our children engaged in their learning and we take the development of each and every child very seriously. We feel that through this approach ensures each child’s individual success.

Computing and IT:

Computing and Information Technology prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. This year we are excited to introduce a new Computing and IT curriculum which has an emphasis on creating, collaborating, programming and developing Digital Literacy skills from an early age, whilst ensuring that our pupils stay safe online with a robust e-safety programme taught from Reception to Form 6.

We believe in not only equipping our children with the capability to use IT tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information and learning responsibly, creatively and with discrimination, they learn how to create using computers to enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. In addition, learning how to program and code from an early age, helps our pupils to understand the more complex aspects of computing but at a level that is right for them.

Increased capability in the use of IT promotes initiative and independent learning, with pupils being able to make informed judgements about when and where to use IT to best effect, and to consider its implications for home and work both now and in the future. Creating capability is a key feature of our curriculum and we see our teachers as ‘facilitators,’ with our pupils proving themselves to be experts and leaders in many areas of IT by the time they become our senior pupils.

There is opportunity every year in our IT curriculum to develop creative learning skills, for example, film making and stop frame animation is taught from Form 3 onwards, with pupils using this independently and at a proficient level.

During Forms 4-6 pupils use a wider range of IT tools and information sources to support their work in other subjects. They develop their research skills and decide what information is appropriate for their work. They begin to question the plausibility and quality of information and learn how to amend their work and present it in a way that suits its audience.

We seek to evaluate new innovations in technology and their use within our school context to ensure our pupils are provided with the right kind of equipment for learning and keep in touch with developments in the technology sphere. Our pupils have access to ipads, Apple TV, Kano computers, Beebots, Probots and a number of other hardware and software to enhance their learning.

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