Form 5 - Form of the Week

Posted on: May 20th 2016

At the beginning of this term, Form 5 experimented with narrative structure using just the images from the picture book ‘Way Home’ by Libby Hathorn and Gregory Rogers. We discussed potential links between the pictures including the colours and quality of light, events pictured and response of the main character. In small groups, the children then arranged the images in an order they thought was appropriate and we discussed the fact that there was not one definitive right answer. We also introduced the idea that with further experimentation we could make the story non-linear so it didn't flow in time order.

In their groups, the children then wrote descriptive paragraphs to accompany each picture. They focused on including all of the elements we look for in brilliant creative writing such as ambitious vocabulary, varied sentence structures, a build up of tension and creation of an appropriate mood. When they had finished writing and editing, the children used iMovie on the iPads to read their stories aloud and film their narratives. 

We really hope you enjoy watching the films as the children worked incredibly hard on them, their use of language was wonderful and their filming techniques were very professional. 



Mrs Osborne and Mrs Holt

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